Amblyopia or Lazy Eye can be
treated by watching movies
Though there are several types of amblyopia, the end result is a reduced vision. Glasses may improve visual acuity to some extent, but usually not completely.
However, now researchers have discovered that there could be a treatment as simple as just watching movies!

Researchers reached to this conclusion after they found increasing research investigating the use of dichoptic therapy as a treatment for amblyopia that involves presenting different images to each eye individually. Dichoptic therapy is usually combined with perceptual learning task or game. While the research conducted so far has shown such therapy to be effective for improving vision in children with amblyopia, researchers of this study noted that children often become bored of these tasks or find them too complicated, and home-based compliance to the treatment is low. Therefore, they investigated the efficacy of something that would have more fun and be an engaging approach - something like watching popular animated movies.
They conducted a small study in which they enrolled 8 children with amblyopia between the ages of 4-10 years; and made them watch three dichoptic movies each week for 2 weeks on a passive 3D screen while wearing 3D cinema glasses. The images shown to the amblyopic eye were high contrast, while those shown to the stronger eye were low contrast that helped to prevent suppression of the amblyopic eye and allow binocular vision.
By the end of the 2-week period, all children showed a significant improvement in visual activity. "Children achieved one to four lines of improvement in visual acuity with just six sessions (9 hours) of dichoptic movie viewing over 2 weeks," comments the researcher.
Easy and simple non-medical treatment that deserves further study...